Monday, March 9, 2009

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! LOL!!

Well I know that sounds like a crazy title! lol! I have been working non stop for the past few weeks and feel like I am going crazy, I can't wait to start my new shift. I will be working night audit Monday- Thursday and have every weekend off! Yippie! I deserve it! Tomorrow I am headed to Halifax to meet Sammy and she is trying on her wedding dress! It'll be so exciting to see it on her, she will be the most beautiful bride! Rich and I missed a big party this weekend at their house cause I was working. Boo! I guess Dad and Skiddy stayed up all night and got quite wasted! Rich quit smoking this week and is doing sooo good so far, it's been 4 days and he's on the patch. I am so proud of him! We are thinking of going to Florida for Christmas this year or next year! I can't wait!!!! Probably St. Petes, it's the nicest beach and I read on their website that they have 360 days of sun a year on average! I have been trying to research some places to stay! I need a vacay right now!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Company day!

Today was a day full of visiters at home. Richard's friend Sam had come to visit for the day on his way home to Chester from tapping trees in Cape Breton. He was telling us about the land he bought up there that he is going to build on. It is in a very beautiful area near the Bradore Lakes. We will have to visit when he gets settled in, maybe in the fall. So, Justin came to pick Sam up and drive him to Chester, it was nice to see him too. Leah and Lilly are in Florida right now and Justin leaves to meet up with them in a week. I am VERY jealous!!! Lol! Mom and Dad also stopped in, along with Brian and Paul for a bit too. Richard and I need a relax day tomorrow, however I don't know if we'll get it as we are supposed to go to his Mom's for dinner. He hasn't been to see them since he's been home so hopefully we will get up. There is a storm comming too! Bo was very well behaved today I have to say! He was fairly calm and with all the company and I was surprised he wasn't crazy hyper!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Working hard or hardly working?

Well my hunny is home! Unfortch, I have been working like crazy this week! I also got offered a full time night audit position at the hotel, Sunday-Thursday nights! I am so excited! I can't wait to have the weekends off. I passed my forklift training test this week too. What a week! I have started trying to plan Sammy's stagette, just so I don't leave it to the last minute! We are going to the Bridal Show in the city this Sunday so that'll be fun! I have been a little bored at work so I started watching Ru Pauls Drag Race( basically it's Americas top model but with drag queens) It's so good! Bo was very good at the vet today he weighs about 100 lbs! I thought it was closer to 200! lol Hunter still doesn't like himn and spends alot of time in the closet but hopefull yhe'll come around. I made Mac and Cheese bake for supper tonight and I think I might make bannana bread tomorrow, Rich likes it! Hmmm, not too much else new!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Night shift

Well tonight I am working and realized I haven't written in my "journal" in a while. The kitty and doggy are getting along much better now, I got Bo a bone in town today and he was so excited he didn't even notice me leave for work. Richard comes home in 4 days!!!! I can't wait it'll be so nice to have him home for 4 months. Sam and I are going to the bridal show at the world trade and convention centre next weekend(the 22nd) I bought her tickets as a surprise. It'll be fun, Heather and I went last year and it was a hoot. Jenny and I need to order our dresses soon, she just bought a new car today and is so excited to show me and I have been sleeping to get rest for work so I haven't taken her calls but I will have to go visit this week sometime. I wrote all the birthday cards for our niece and nephews today, we missed all of their birthdays and have to give them to them next time we are in the city. Dad still isn't feeling great I hope he does soon. One of the girls at work broke her leg so I brought in some magazines to give her. Thats about all thats new with me! Lol so exciting!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why am I awake at 4:00 in the morning?

Well it's 4:00 am and I can't sleep! Wow I never have trouble sleeping, I don't think I'm thinking about anything that's keeping me up. I just booked Richard home on a flight that gets in on Valentine's day! Maybe it's excitment keeping me up, I also just found out I have that night off to spend with him! I am cooking dinner for him as a Valentine's day present and can't wait I think he will be so proud of me. I think it's gonna be his mom's mac and cheese. I am so excited to have Rich home for 4 months even though it means we will be extremely broke. We will have to be very careful with our money until he finishes school. However when he is done this year's back to back schooling he will have his full ticket and no longer be an apprentice which is a great thing. The way the economy is right now there are not nearly as many jobs out there for apprentices as there used to be. Ok I have to try to get at least another hours sleep or I might be a real crank tomorrow!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The life I lead...

Well Ihave been a slacker these past couple of days, I haven't written in my "journal"! Thats only because NOTHING is new... I have been working sooo much. Night shift is ok but I feel like I never have the time to do anything, I just end up sleeping all day. Richard is thinking he may be home for school in a few weeks which is sooo awesome, I miss him alot and am so excited to surprise him with the fact that I can cook one of his Moms special meals! I do have to start practising however and get some recipes from her lol! I am going to pick Bo (Dars dog) up on Monday and Dad and I might stop in to have lunch with Sam while in the city! I have started thinking about what to do for her stagette and I just want it to be sooo fun! I think I will book a suite in Halifax for the night and we can get pedis or makeup or something done together and go for supper at the Keg and then all go party! Jen and I are going to order our dresses soon too just to make sure they get here in time! I think I may try the Sacred Heart Diet this week just to kick start my eating healthy and exersize stuff! Well thats all folks not much else new here! Love being able to put stuff on here and get it out of my mind, I sleep alot better, I think everyone should write stuff down, it truely helps!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today I visited my cousin and her little boy. He is terrible two right now but oh so cute! I also had a terrible hair day and need to book and appointment for next week. I can't wait to talk to my husband tonight(he is working away right now) I have decided to surprise him when he comes home by cooking some special meals..... This is a really big deal because I do not cook. I hope he is happily surprised because I love him so much and want to make him happy. Tomorrow I am "adopting" my sister in law's dog, she is selling her house and we are watching him for a while(hopefully she will decide we should keep him) He is a Bermese Mountain dog and sooo cute, I hope he is well behaved too. That is about the entire day today...nothing too exciting, but nice to write a bit.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh happy day!

I got a teadmill today! Yippie! I am so excited for it to be set up so I can use it! I also recieved a letter from that friend of mine and hope things will work themselves out! I am finally past it all now that I have journaled it, it really helps to write things down and get them out of your mind. I feel this will be a positive year! I am also hoping to learn to cook better this year, my husband is really good and I am not(at all) so I want to really start to teach myself. Nothing else happened today but this is a new day and it feels like the new year begins right now!

Its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.....right?!

Tonight I write just to get some things off my chest. One of my best friends(for years) and I have stopped talking(just since the summer) It really hurts me to think that someone I thought of as family can just dissapear from your life like that. Just up and not care anymore. I cannot imagine just letting someone go like that, therefore I wrote a letter of apology, although I do not entirely see this as being my fault, I want to move past it. To my dismay I have yet to hear any reply.
It all began with a shopping trip to the states in which we were all tired and cranky and ALL got on each others nerves....... fast forward to a few months later..... It is my best friends birthday and her boyfriend kisses one of our mutual friends. Well this does not involve me but I did try to avoid the other girl for a while and dissed her on occasion to my bestie. Months later I decided we were all mature adults and decided to quit the act and remain friends with our mutual friend, who was actually starting to grow on me and showed her maturity in the situation by comming to me first to discuss it.
Well aparently I was way off in thinking we were all mature adults, This past summer was my wedding to the love of my life and of course my bestie was involved in the wedding(or should I say was supposed to be) First she did not attend my bachelorette. But on the day of the wedding I was so dissapointed in her actions,that I felt were very selfish for the fact that this day was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. She was mopey and b**ched alot about the other girl having the nerve to come to our reception.It made it even worse when she(my best friend) and her boyfriend left the wedding early and did not attend the gift opening the next day. (not to mention the boyfriend was the best man)
Well that was the short version of the story. Now I always say there are two sides to every story and I have yet to hear hers and you won't get to so you are on my side!
I can understand being in a feud with a friend but this has gone on to long. Maybe we were never really as close as I thought, or maybe she was just not as invested in our friendship as I was. Whatever it is I was very saddened when ,in the past few months I lost two of my very close family members and she did not contact me. I may sound bitter but that drew the line.
Well it feels better to get that off my chest and I promise I will not write another post until I have something happy to!
And I remind myself for the hundredth time that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all(which can truely be used in terms of many relationships, and many types of love and losses)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

All about Me

I thought it would be nice to describe myself to anyone who may ever read this. I am a 20 something female living with my husband in the country in Canada. We bought our new house 2 years ago and were married last summer. No kiddies just yet and we are in no rush although both want them one day! My passions are writing(although I've only ever kept a note pad not a journal) taking care of my house, and spending time with friends and family. Ok I sound kinda boring I know, I think maybe I am but I like me! I enjoy the simple things in life and am happy being me.
Ok so now that you are totally interested in reading my blog..... lol....

Another day

So today I am writing while on hold with the telephone company! My long distance is not working and it is driving me crazy. And yes I paid my bill. OMG Someone just answered and hung up on me! lol! Ok maybe I'll wait out the storm instead of calling back, for now.
I have been away for a week and even though I'm sure I left my house neat it seems as though a hurricane passed through. So.... today I am cleaning. Hmmm .... I will write more later!

Here goes nothing

Wow that was easy! I thought about starting a blog at first as promotion for a company I never ended up opening, and now decided to do it just because I like to write and babble! If only I ever read and enjoy it then I will be happy. I thought about a journal yet this is just so much more modern and fun.
I know this is short and sweet(don't get used to it, it won't last)but welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the tidbits of blab I enjoy writing so much.